Ghostwood Opening Titles

Ghostwood a/v' is an audio-visual installation which investigates the psychogeography of Ontario's northern wilderness. By michael Trommer and Brent Bostwick.


Typographic Relativity // E=MC2

Using Bill Bryson’s Book: A Brief History of Nearly Everything, I have attempted to explain the basic ideas behind Einstein’s theory of special relativity using typography. Music was composed by Michael Trommer to suit the content, combining industrial sounds with human-like breathing accompanied by the words of Samual Beckett—time and space being repeated themes.



'Journey' follows the path of a lonely balloon looking to make friends.


History of Jeans:
Evolving Social Meanings and Changing Identities

Jeans are used as a means of creating, communicating, and understanding social and cultural identity. Our study of industry advertising over time looks specifically at brand name designers such as Calvin Klein and Levis, and their successes and failures.We explore the idea that denim’s rise to ubiquity has allowed jeans to transcend the brand in the age of the postmodern consumer. Music by Michael Trommer

